Sauerländischer Gebirgsverein

The '"Sauerländische of mountain association", briefly "SGV", an association is for hiking and Nordic Walking.

The association was founded in 1891 by forest advice Ernst Ehmsen and Karl Féaux de Lacroix from mountain Arns in Sauerland and today has about 50,000 members. He organises events and is involved it in the area of the nature conservation.

The association looks after numerous footpath e, among the rest, him Ruhr height way. He is legitimised beside the nature reserve en only by this to mark footpaths. This are about 34,000 km from what about 4,300 km are expelled as SGV-main footpaths. The association area encloses beside Sauerland also this Ruhr area, this cathedral country, Bergische country as well as this winner's country.

For the members the magazine äKreuz & Querô is published every three months with an edition by 46,000 copies. Editor in chief is of the Iserlohn he journalist "Thomas Reunert". In October, 2006 the delegates chose the head of the district authority Märkischen of the Brandenburg March of circle, Aloys Steppuhn, the president.


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